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MFA launches public consultation document on good governance reforms

The Malta Football Association on Friday launched a public consultation document on good governance reforms.

In a statement, the local governing body of football said: “The ongoing governance reforms are fundamental to our efforts to address important matters such as integrity, ethics, club licensing, revision of the statute and corporate restructuring with the growth and sustainability of football clubs and good governance being at the heart of the association’s strategy.

“Following preliminary consultations with UEFA and FIFA between October and February, the Malta FA is today launching a public consultation document on the statute reform in parallel with the ongoing consultations with key stakeholders.”

The good governance proposals include principles such as terms of office and age limits, female representation and the appointment of honorary members on a circle of former members.

“Separation of powers also constitutes a key aspect of these reforms which are aimed at streamlining the duties and responsibilities of the various decision-making bodies with the necessary checks and balances,” the Malta FA said.

“In so doing, the Association commitsto ensure greater transparency, accountability and efficiency across its operations.

“Following consultations with member clubs and member associations, we are now interested to open up for ideas from the general public through the launch of this public consultation process.”

The public is invited to make submissions with their comments in relation to the revisions outlined in the document which can be downloaded here.

For reference, the current Statue and Regulations can be found here

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