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Malta pickleball team brings home gold

The Malta Pickleball team won four gold medals at the Rome Pickleball Championships held at New Country Club Frascati last weekend. The team was spearheaded by Steffi Pace who brought the sport to Malta in August 2018.

Malta sent a team to represent both men and women, bringing home four gold medals, two silver, and another two bronze.

In the women’s advanced level, Maja Glumac came out on top as Pace and Roberta Girard took the women’s doubles. In the mixed doubles, Malcolm Falzon took the final gold medal.

In the men’s intermediate doubles, Malcolm Falzon and Joseph Borg took silver, while in the advanced mixed doubles Mark Anastasi and Glumac won bronze.

This was Malta Pickleball’s second International tournament. In September 2021, they participated in the Spanish pickleball championships in Madrid where they brought back two silver medals in Advanced level women’s doubles (Pace and Girard) and two bronze medals in Intermediate level men’s doubles (Anastasi and Tony Thompson). 

WOMEN’S TEAM: Steffi Pace, Roberta Girard, Maja Glumac

MEN’S TEAM: Mark Anastasi, Malcolm Falzon, Joseph Borg


4 GOLD MEDALS: 1 in ladies singles Advanced level (Maja Glumac), 2 in ladies doubles Advanced level (Steffi Pace and Roberta Girard), and 1 in mixed doubles Intermediate level (Malcolm Falzon).

2 SILVER MEDALS: men’s doubles Intermediate level (Malcolm Falzon and Joseph Borg)

2 BRONZE MEDALS: mixed doubles Advanced level (Mark Anastasi and Maja Glumac).

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