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Fast start for Rolex Middle Sea Race

The 45th edition of the Middle Sea Race got underway on Saturday. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

The 45th Rolex Middle Sea Race fleet was let loose from Grand Harbour, Valetta, this morning, with crews experiencing lively conditions.

In contrast to recent years, the breeze was up and held throughout the start proceedings.

Gusts were fully evident from on high as the south easterly gradient served up a spring board to launch the boats.

The geography and architecture of the harbour played a full part as yachts encountered both lulls and stronger than expected puffs.

The full complement of 112 entrants embarked on the 606 nautical mile race, and by early evening were well on their way to Capo Passero, on the southeastern tip of Sicily.

As so often is the case with the Rolex Middle Sea Race, talk on the dock was of the uncertainty of the conditions over the race course.

The weather has been in a teasing mode all week as a low pressure system has circulated the Maltese archipelago.

The yachts are currently approaching Sicily making the best of a moderate westerly or north westerly.

At 4pm, leading on the water Black Jack 100 has fought her way past the Class40 Marvic 40, who had doggedly held off the Maxi division for longer than anticipated.

Tactical questions are already being posed, with one group including Black Jack and Scallywag 100, some way east of the rhumb line.

Another group of mainly smaller entrants is north of the direct course.

Slovenian entry Karpo is closest, with Maltese entry Geisha the outsider.

In between the fleet spreads wide and deep, with the Botin 56 Black Pearl holding the centre ground.

First away were the six Class40s, and the lone multihull – Aldo Fumagalli’s Picamole.

Among the Class40s, Influence2 and Lucente’s timed runs to the line split it perfectly, and as the cannon smoke cleared Influence2 was in a clear lead.

Lucente struggled to set her spinnaker. By the inner breakwater, Influence2 and Lucente were neck and neck.

By Dragonara, Influence2 had stretched into a lead, before stalling and sadly having to retire half a mile later.

Lucente stood on at the mark to head further northwest before gybing to the northeast.

Marvic40 turned hard right, and this decision appears to be working.

Next to go were the smallest and least powerful yachts in the fleet.

Featuring 22 yachts, including six Maltese.

Winning the start by some margin was the Croatian Munjek. Massimo Licata D’Andrea’s South Kensington was in hot pursuit.

Two Maltese boats also made fantastic starts.

JYS Jan skippered by Claudio Bugeja and the Janissah of Royal Malta Yacht Club Rear Commodore Mario Debono.

Looking at the tracker, South Kensington sailing close to the rhumb line was currently ranked class leader in IRC 6 and second overall.

The third start featured 17 teams.

A pack of fully-crewed boats got away well near the middle of the line. None more so than Seb Ripard and Dan Calascione’s Calypso.

Kazakhstan’s Peter Lezhnin racing Jedi was not far behind, as was Stefan Debattista and Sam Byrne’s Geisha.

At the pin end, Manuel Costantin’s Jules got a superb start and led the fleet down Grand Harbour.

OpenPayd BeFree skippered by Horst Huelsey and Jonathan Camilleri Bowman was also in the leading pack.

At the time of writing, Maks Vrečko’s Karpo from Slovenia tops the IRC 5 leader board, and the race overall.

Second in class and third overall was Didier Gaudoux MN35 Lann Ael 3, the most easterly boat in the class.

The fourth start featured a myriad of designs from the classic Australian Swan 65 ketch Eve to new designs such as the Estonian Mat 1220 Nola.

With 21 boats and a pulsating wind gusting well over 20 knots, the adrenalin was pumping.

Elusive 2 sailed by Aaron, Maya, and Christoph Podesta fully nailed the gun in the middle of the line.

To windward was Jackknife and to leeward was Jonathan Gambin’s Dufour 44 Ton Ton Laferla.

Jackknife’s pace was first to exit, having passed Elusive 2 to windward.

Elusive 2 continued her good work into the evening to hold the class lead in IRC 4 after time correction.

Firecrest was ranked second having sailed west of the rhumb line.

On the fifth start, Vineta crossed the line closest to Valletta with Chenapan 4 dead centre and Long Courrier at the pin.

Aaron Gatt Floridia’s Otra Vez also enjoyed a powerful start. X-Day was another in the mix.

Vineta’s line, though, was perfect to squeeze past the inner breakwater without changing course.

As they approached the outer breakwater, Soleag was pressing to leeward.

The leaders were barely separated at the first turning mark.

Behind, there was fun and games as the fleet emerged from the wind shadow of Fort Ricasoli.

Vineta held on until Dragonara, leading X-Day, Soleag and Goose hard right to the north east.

As we head into the evening, Artie III has snuck into the class lead on the water and second under IRC, with Lee Satariano and Christian Ripard working their magic.

Long Courrier is just behind holding the lead after time correction in IRC 3.

For the sixth start, the Turkish TP52 Blue Moon took the line in the middle and at speed, with Red Bandit and Spirit of Lorina on the port hip.

Hagar V was closest to Valletta, with Palby Marine just inside.

As the wind started to swing south, yachts were forced to gybe.

Finding a clear lane was difficult and crews ducked and dived to keep clear of their competitors.

Kuka 3 had a formidable leg to the first turning mark sweeping all before her.

As with the proceeding starts, the decision making heading north has proved critical.

Black Pearl played the changing pressure well to eke out a lead on the water under IRC to head class 2, from Kuka 3  and Tulikettu Redkik Racing.

The seventh and final start was most impressive thanks to Bullitt’s fast approach to the line.

Scallywag and Black Jack held back, presumably to avoid problems.

This allowed the VO65s Sisi and Ambersail to shine briefly as they gamely hung on to Bullitt.

Lucky took position close to Fort St Angelo.

Balthasar took a line closest to Valletta, which paid off beautifully.

Lucky overtook Bullitt on the way to Dragonara, with Scallywag opening up to move into second on the water.

Black Jack joined the fray and this five set a hot pace as they turned north, hitting speeds low 20s.

As the wind diminished, the big guns began to turn back north.

First Bullitt, with the others standing on for some distance.

As we close, Black Jack has the lead on the water and in IRC 1.

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