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Bowlers return at revamped SuperBowl

Eden Group CEO De Cesare hopeful of a more constructive relationship with MBA

Malta Bowling Association bowlers were back training at a revamped Eden Superbowl last week as the popular venue reopened after a few months of renovations works.

The Eden Superbowl has for over four decades provided Maltese bowlers with a high-level playing venue where they could nurture their talent and go on and win several medals for our country in the sport of bowling.

When the news broke out last December that the Eden Superbowl was set to close down its doors for a few months due to work that has to be carried out to revamp the facility, it naturally shocked the Maltese bowling community who were losing the only proper bowling alley on the island.

However, looking at the new facilities installed at the Eden Superbowl, local bowlers will feel that enforced break was somewhat worthwhile given that they will be able to use the latest technology in the sport.

Eden Leisure Group CEO Simon De Cesare told the Times of Malta that the venue provides a new state of the art technology for Maltese bowlers and is hopeful that more youngsters are attracted to the sport.

“The previous centre was installed back in 1988 and since then bowling technology has made giant strides forward,” he said.

“The new centre offers brand new state of the art technology both in scoring and reliability of the machines. At the end of the day, I am confident that bowlers will not notice a significant difference in the sport itself but will be able to enjoy their sport in a more enjoyable and pleasing atmosphere.

“The latest technology includes the introduction of string pin machines which are prevalent in most markets now. This system has been approved by all major bowling federations in all areas of the worlds after going through vigorous testing.

“The tests clearly show that there are very little differences in the game and scores of the players so there should be minimal getting use to.

“At the end of the day what we have created at the Eden is far more than just bowling. We believe it will attract all people to visit and try out bowling which is how we have tried to grow the sports grass roots. Youngsters need to be attracted to try as leisure before they can love it and take it up as a sport.”

De Cesare said that he was pleased to have Malta Bowling Association bowlers back at the venue and said that his company remain committed to promoting and supporting the sport at the SuperBowl.

“We have been supporting the Malta Bowling Association for more than three decades now,” De Cesare said.

“The SuperBowl has supported the sport from the 80s to today and we will continue to do so. It is a fine balancing act between sport bowler and leisure bowlers.

“The needs of sport bowlers are significantly more than leisure bowlers but we remain committed to promoting and supporting the sport at the SuperBowl.

“We invited the Bowling Association last week before opening for a taster of what to come and the feedback was very positive. There are a couple of minor teething problems but that’s the point of such pre-opening events.”

In the aftermath of the Eden Leisure’s decision to close the doors of the SuperBowl for a few months relationships between the company and the local governing body were a bit strained. But De Cesare is looking forward to a more constructive relationship with the Malta Bowling Association in the future.

“I am indeed hopeful of having a more constructive relationship with the Malta Bowling Association,” De Cesare said.

“Maybe the hiatus of five months without a centre will make us all realise what we actually have from a centre that costs bowlers nothing to run, to a group of committed individuals wishing to compete and play frequently.  

“Hopefully we all can see the benefit of each other and find ways in which we can be mutually beneficial rather than one way benefit.”

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